• Healthy Hearing

Our team is growing and we are accepting new patients. We are also welcoming (or adopting) patients from practices that are no longer servicing hearing instruments or have limited hours or availability


ear protectors next to hard hat and measuring tape

FAQs About Ear Protection

Unless you go off and live far away from civilization, there is no way to avoid noise completely. We are all subject to loud noises from time to time, whether it’s from our lawnmower, the equipment we use at work, or the gigs we attend to see our favorite musical artists perform. Noise is just […]

happy woman collecting cabbages in her green garden

Summer Activities & Hearing Aid Care

The summertime, for many of us, is a wonderful time where the weather is good and lazy days spent at the beach or in the park or active days spent swimming in lakes and hiking up mountains, with good friends is what life is all about. But, if you wear a hearing aid, summer can […]

a child receiving hearing examination from hearing specialist

When Should You See a Hearing Instrument Specialist?

When you begin to experience hearing loss, it may feel as though you’re living in isolation, as communicating with others, even close relations can be challenging. Hearing loss isn’t sudden and could take several years before becoming so evident. A US standard hearing examination survey has proposed that one in every eight people aged 12 […]

hand adjusting the controls of a hearing aid device

How to Use Your Hearing Aids Controls

Hearing aids are designed to improve the quality of life for people with hearing loss. One essential feature of these little devices is the hearing control system. Sometimes, users can be at a loss on how to adjust the volume for better sound quality. Although a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) does the device programming from […]

a smirking woman with brown hair

Why Are People Ashamed of Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is quite common, and according to the Hearing Loss Association of America, an estimated 48 million Americans live with hearing loss. This figure represents about 20% of the total American population, so it is quite common. However, there is some stigma attached to hearing loss despite its marked degree of occurrence. This makes […]

an audiologist showing her patient new in the canal hearing aids

How Can A Hearing Instrument Specialist Help You with Hearing Aids?

A hearing instrument specialist (HIS) is a professional who helps someone experiencing hearing loss find the right hearing device to communicate with those around them. They will work with their clients to assess their current level of hearing, as well as factoring in their lifestyle, budget and aesthetic preferences. What is a hearing instrument specialist? […]

a group of professionals conversing over lunch in a well-lit room

Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Socially Connected

Being socially disconnected from the world can have adverse effects on your health. Minimal interaction with people around you can affect your mental health, causing you to feel lonely and depressed. Likewise, when you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s normal to step away from social situations to avoid the embarrassment of your hearing loss showing through. […]

a hearing specialist showing her patient a selection of hearing aids

4 Tips for Selecting A Hearing Aid

If you’ve recently been to see your hearing instrument specialist (HIS), then you may have discovered that your hearing loss could be treated by using a hearing aid. Depending on the severity of your hearing loss, there are multiple options available that not only help you hear clearly, but can suit your preferences and lifestyle. […]

a woman holding a seashell by the seashore

Are Custom-Fit Musician Earplugs Worth the Cost?

As musicians, your hearing is your main priority of concern. You need them to be able to listen to the music around you, as well as what you’re playing too. If your hearing is damaged in any way, then it might be something that affects your performance but could also damage your chances of continuing […]

a hearing aid held in a hand

How are Hearing Aids Programmed?

When receiving hearing aids for the first time, you’ll make decisions for a lot of things during the process. There are so many different styles and technology types available to suit everyone’s needs and preferences when it comes to bettering their hearing, from devices that sit inside the ear canal to those that sit behind […]